Embroidery Arts Monograms Embroidery Arts Monograms Embroidery Arts Monograms Embroidery Arts Monograms Embroidery Arts Monograms Embroidery Arts Monograms Embroidery Arts Monograms Embroidery Arts Monograms Embroidery Arts Monograms Embroidery Arts Monograms Embroidery Arts Monograms
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View Each Letter of the Alphabet in All Available Styles: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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monogram sets

Monogram Combinations

Unique Monograms combining multiple styles.

Monogram Styles Used:

Monogram: BKS

The starting point for this three-letter monogram was a bit different - we wanted to concentrate of making an interesting and unusual border, then think about a compatible style for the letters. A more conventional approach would have started with the letters, then added a border.

Tiffany leaded glass lampshades were the inspiration. The designs are often abstractions of natural forms, with small cut pieces of glass held in place by lead channels.

The brackets framing the letters in our Arabesque 8 styles have an embroidered version of this concept - a manual seed stitch fill surrounded by satin stitch elements.

Starting with one of the letters from the larger Arabesque 8 XL style, we used our editing software to eliminate the letter and respace the two brackets. Experimenting, the two brackets were rotated to the left, which made the shapes more dynamic. Adding the brackets from the smaller Arabesque 8 style (after deleting the letter), dropped inside the footprint of the two larger brackets, added to the circular flow.

Now that we had an interesting border, the next step was to add some letters. For contrast, we chose the Art Deco Monogram Set 6, which is angular and geometric. The editing software made it easy to resize these letters so that the flanking initials B and K would align with the angular turns in the initial S, and the whole three-letter combination could then be scaled so that it sits comfortably within the border. Light thread colors emphasize the various elements while maintaining a sophisticated artistic look.

The overall size is 5 1/4 " (133 mm) tall by 5 1/2" (140 mm) wide.

How we made these monograms

Embroidery software programs make it easy to delete elements, copy and paste elements from other designs, resize different aspects, and merge elements together into one new design. Each program is a bit different in how the Edit functions are managed. Once you have learned to use yours, creating new monograms from other monogram parts is creative and fun. Experiment with different arrangements and colors.

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WholesaleMonograms.com 17 Fourth Avenue Nyack New York 10960 Contact Us Embroideryarts.com Daniel Wiener