Monogram CombinationsUnique Monograms combining multiple styles. Monogram Styles Used:Monogram: E The single initial monogram letters in Homestead 1 XL Monogram Set have a simple rustic quality, and they lend themselves to being further embellished by other designs with a similarly simple tone. We began with the letter E from Homestead 1 XL Monogram Set - a 7" (177mm) tall design with an angular letter and a two-color ribbon accent design. We have always been fond of Arts and Crafts Monogram Set 4. For this project we deleted the two-color letter, leaving the five-color stylized aster flower, which is made up of satin stitch and bean stitch elements. We made a copy of this flower in our software, made the copy about 20% smaller and mirrored it. We then played with rotating each element, and eventually both elements combined. This combination is placed to the right of the letter, with the thread colors chosen to blend everything together. This larger monogram would look nice on bed linens or a fabric shower curtain. The overall size is 7" (177mm) tall by 6 7/8" (173mm) wide. How we made these monogramsEmbroidery software programs make it easy to delete elements, copy and paste elements from other designs, resize different aspects, and merge elements together into one new design. Each program is a bit different in how the Edit functions are managed. Once you have learned to use yours, creating new monograms from other monogram parts is creative and fun. Experiment with different arrangements and colors. |