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Resizing Designs

Download a helpful article on resizing.(pdf)

We have created two sizes for the majority of our Monogram Set styles. These two sizes can be easily combined to create conventional three-letter monogram combinations, with a larger central letter, flanked by smaller side letters.

If you wish to create specific sizes that we haven't provided, all of our designs can be resized within your own embroidery software program, provided that the software supports resizing. (In addition to resizing features in digitizing software, there are many stand-alone resizing programs available for changing design sizes).

Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

Older resizing programs did not change the density of the designs when the size changed - the stitches were simply moved closer together, or farther apart. The recommended change in design size was described as "plus or minus 20%" because thread breaks would not increase dramatically if the stitches were 20% closer together, and the design would not look too thinned out if the stitches were 20% farther apart. More recent resizing programs all include stitch processors, which recalculate the stitch count and the design density when the design is resized.

If you are unsure about which type of resizing software you have, try changing the size of the design, and pay particular attention to the number of stitches, before and after. If the number of stitches changes as the design size changes, then the density is being recalculated.

Our designs are not adversely affected by reasonable resizing. Some designs are changed significantly during resizing. Designs with specific types of fill patterns are often converted to more generic fill types during resizing, because the software only recognizes the outline of the filled shape, and isn't aware of the location of the needle penetrations that make the fill pattern unique. Our designs are composed of simple elements: running stitches, satin stitches, and basic fill patterns.

Even though your resizing software may not have a plus-or-minus 20% limit, there is some sort of limit, which varies from software to software. The software isn't capable of infinite resizing options, or it is limited by hoop sizes, etc. Experimenting with resizing will help you find your software's limits.

Beyond the limitations of the software, there are embroidery limits as well. For example, satin stich length greater than 12mm creates problems for embroidery machines, and many machines with automatic thread trimmers will convert a stitch length greater than 12mm into a trim, refusing to sew the stitch at all. On the other extreme, designs created to be 3" (76mm) may not sew well if they are reduced to 5/16" (8mm). Always sew a sample of a design that has been resized in an extreme way.

We have found that there is a larger effective resizing rage with our designs if the larger size is enlarged, or the smaller size reduced.

Two and three-letter combinations should be created using our original sizes, the new combination then saved under a new filename. This new file can then be resized. This is a much easier procedure than resizing each letter, then creating the combination.

Resizing software can often be "tricked" into a larger range of resizing by saving trhe resized design, then resizing the saved design, rather tan trying to do major resizing all at once.

If you would like us to resize our designs for you, we would be happy to provide a quote. Please email us.

Feedback or Questions about "Resizing Designs" (4)

I am a small commercial embroider. I have customers who want large (12+" high) monograms for home decorative purposes. When I try to enlarge the embroidery arts designs, I run into problems. I have tried it in Embird and in my Pulse system (purchased w/ my Tajima machine). Neither of these resizing softwares will convert these designs to fill patterns in this large of a format, i.e. a 3 letter Empire design that is 15" high X 18" wide. It leaves blanks or unsewn areas in the design. What am I doing wrong? Please advise. Thanks.

EmbroideryArts Support answers:

There is nothing about the designs that prohibits what you are trying to do. Once the satin stitch length exceeds 12mm the satin stitch will need to be converted to a fill pattern - as you mention in your note.

We can't provide technical support for Embird or Pulse software - you should correspond with those companies about the specifics. Typically the feature to convert satin to fill is in a Preferences menu and can be turned on and off - perhaps this feature isn't activated within your embroidery software programs.

This article on Resizing may be helpful.

--Posted by: Ellen at September 28, 2006 01:57 PM

when stitching your beautiful letters on to satin, do you suggest specific threads and needles so that the satin does not "pull"? I wouldn't think I need to adjust the make up of the letter such as underlay and pull...

EmbroideryArts Support answers:

Like a high-gloss paint job on a wall, which will show all blemishes more clearly than they will appear on a wall with a flat finish, satin presents special problems because of its gloss.

A specific needle isn't the issue. Different thread types - rayon, polyester, cotton may have an effect on the "pucker" that can occur with this fabric, so you should experiment with different thread types. You can also try loosening the top thread tension a bit.

The best way to completely control the fabric would be to stabilize it with heat-fusible backing, but this is often not a good option on clothing, or on projects where only a small area of stabilizer is used on a larger piece of fabric - the edge of the stabilizer will be visible from the front.

Our designs are digitized with the same strategy as any stock design - since we don't know what type of fabric it will be used for, we choose an "average" density and underlay. For monogramming on satin, if the suggestions above aren't successful you may have better results if you eliminate much, perhaps all of the underlay and reduce the column density.

--Posted by: rosemarie at August 9, 2005 10:54 AM


On the greek fonts, I plan to use a flat bed cutter to cut tackletwill etc. Can I re-size your fonts with Wilcom software?

Many Thanks,

EmbroideryArts Support answers:

Our designs are just like stock designs of dogs or cars, but they are letters of the alphabet - an individual embroidery design for each letter.

Any stock design can be resized with embroidery software that supports resizing from stitch files - most newer software programs do. You don't say which version of Wilcom you are using, but unless it is very old you should be able to resize our designs within your digitizing and editing software program.

Many of our commercial embroidery customers have told us that they find inexpensive stand-alone resizing programs like Embird, Melco Sizer, Alpha Sizer, etc. to be much easier to use and more effrective than the resizing capability built into their expensive commmercial embroidery software. If your version of Wilcom doesn't meet your needs, you might consider getting one of these other programs.

--Posted by: THOMAS NAKAZAWA at July 16, 2005 06:10 PM

What embroidery software do you recommend to 'merge' 3 initials into one embroidery monogram? I only want to be able to do initials, monograms & names using different fonts & sizes.


EmbroideryArts Support answers:

There are at least a dozen stand-alone programs for resizing designs and merging individual designs together. One that we like is called Embird. The company provides a 30 day free trial version available for download from their website at http://www.embird.com. Also, we have a free tutoral for this program in our Tutorials section.

Some other choices: BuzzSize, SmartSizer Gold, Melco Sizer, Dakota AlphaSizer, etc.

--Posted by: Brenda at April 23, 2005 07:50 PM

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