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The Sweater

We found this fascinating clipping from a magazine among some old monogram sketches.

Unfortunately whoever cut out the article didn't leave any information to identify the magazine, but we would place it in 1950 or 51 - one of the featured models, Nancy Davis, married Ronald Reagan in the spring of 1952.

These gigantic monograms are on sweaters worn by Esther (Williams) Gage, Nancy Davis, and Cyd (Charisse) Martin. The monograms are all made from beads.

The Sweater
Gets Its Letter

by Pamela Lindus

Newest fashion in California is the casual cashmere dressed up with custom-made monograms. Hollywood stars wear them with slacks, evening skirts. Quality is high, price low.

<< Esther Williams Gage chose a bold three-letter monogram done in white satin bugle beads, outlined in beads of a contrasting color. It costs about $35.

Nancy Davis selected a cardigan with her two-letter monogram embroidered on it in pretend pearls and glittering gold thread. The price is about $35.

Cyd Charisse Martin decided on a slip-ove with more delicate letters done in peral beads and gold thread, add a plain cardigan. Each about $18.

photographs by John Engstead

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