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View Each Letter of the Alphabet in All Available Styles: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Wreck-It Ralph - 2012

Movie: Wreck-It Ralph - 2012

Director: Rich Moore

Synopsis: Wreck-It Ralph (voiced by John C. Reilly) is a Bad Guy in an old-style arcade video game. But he is really a nice guy, and longs to be a hero in his game - as beloved as the game's Good Guy, Fix-It Felix (voiced by Jack McBrayer). Maybe if he could win a medal he could get the respect he wants - but he must leave his game to do so, and everyone says that's forbidden.

Scene: Ralph stumbles upon a 30th Anniversary party for the game - which nobody invited him to - since his role in the game is to constantly destroy the Nicelander apartment building that Fix-It Felix works hard to repair. Felix is too nice to refuse to let him in. All of the characters are surrounding a large cake of the building, with figures of their characters on the roof. Ralph's figure has an evil expression, and is on the ground.

Monogram: Gene (voiced by Raymond S. Persi) tells Ralph that nobody wanted him there because all he does in wreck everything. Gene wears a cardigan sweater with his initial G on the left chest in a gothic style.

Contributed by: Joanne Roth

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