Jack the Giant Slayer - 2013Movie: Jack the Giant Slayer - 2013 Director: Bryan Singer Synopsis: In this re-imagining of the Jack and the Beanstalk story, Jack (Nicholas Hoult) is a farm boy who has a crush on Princess Isbelle (Eleanor Tomlinson). When he goes to town to sell his uncle's horse to support the family farm, he returns instead with some magic beans, stolen by a monk from the king's advisor. One of the beans sprouts, and grows an enormous beanstalk. Sounds like the same story? But wait - this time there is a whole army of mean and destructive giants, the war between giants and humans has been going on for centuries - and Jack has inadvertently started it all again and must find a way once again control the giants. Scene: King Brahmwell (Ian McShane) has a royal insignia that is seen in various forms throughout the movie. Monogram: The king's crest - BR intertwined with a crown. Top: carved in stone in the castle courtyard. Middle: on a banner outside the royal battle tent. Bottom: on the king's armor, composed of welded dots of metal. Contributed by: Angela Scott | |||||||||||
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