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View Each Letter of the Alphabet in All Available Styles: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Rise of the Guardians - 2012

Movie: Rise of the Guardians - 2012

Director: Peter Ramsey

Synopsis: When the evil spirit Pitch Black (voiced by Jude Law) tries to destroy the hopes and dreams of children all over the world, The Guardians (Santa Claus - voiced by Alec Baldwin, the Tooth Fairy - voiced by Isla Fisher, and the Easter Bunny - voiced by Hugh Jackman) must recruit a new member to fight back. Jack Frost (voiced by Chris Pine) is a reluctant recruit.

Scene: Pitch - known to children of the Earth as the Boogeyman - has so far succeeded to shaking children's confidence in fairies, and the Guardians must act fast. Santa Claus (who can distribute millions of gifts in a single night) has the speed to take charge.

Monogram: Santa has two swords, one in each hand. Each has an engraved monogram - the letter N (for "Naughty" and "Nice")

Contributed by: Joanne Roth

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