Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story - 2007Movie: Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story - 2007 Director: Jake Kasdan Synopsis: The life story of fictional musician Dewey Cox (John C. Reilly). This comedy bio-pic touches every musical genre from early rock-and-roll, through psychedlia, country and western, punk, a hit TV variety show - all conquered by a character who becomes adicted to - then kicks - every known drug. John C. Reilly and band perform all of the songs. Scene: Appearing on a variety billing advertised as "Elvis Presley and Others", Dewey and his band play last - Elvis (cameo appearance by Jack White) wants to get finished a little early and asks to have the play order changed. Dewey sings a song he wrote for Mrs. Dewey Cox - "A Life Without You (Is No Life At All)" - sung in a vaguely Roy Orbison style. He is an instant sensation. Monogram: Dewey belts out his song in a white blazer with a black satin collar and a script D on the pocket. Contributed by: EmbroideryArts | |||||||||||
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