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Underdog - 2007

Movie: Underdog - 2007

Director: Frederik Du Chau

Synopsis: A bomb-sniffing beagle is fired from the mayor's office, is kidnapped by a mad scientist (Peter Dinklage) and injected with a mysterious serum, and escapes - with superpowers. He is found, then adopted by security guard Dan Unger (Jim Belushi) and named "Shoeshine". Unger's son Jack (Alex Neuberger) discovers that the dog can talk, makes a costume for him, and convinces him to use his superpowers for good - and to be attractive to a particular spaniel. The action-adventure unfolds.

Scene: Jack thinks "Shoeshine" needs to be re-branded as "Underdog", with an appropriate outfit.

Monogram: Underog in his new uniform. with initial U on a red background, and a blue cape.

Contributed by: Joanne Roth

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