Up - 2009Movie: Up - 2009 Director: Pete Docter and Bob Peterson Synopsis: 78-year-old Carl Fredricksen (voiced by Edward Asner) sets out to avoid a nursing home, and keep a promise to his late wife Ellie, which they made when they were children: to seek adventure, and, in particular, to follow their hero Charles Muntz (voiced by Christopher Plummer) and move to the top of Paradise Falls in South America. Carl's method is a bit eccentric - he ties thousands of helium balloons to the house. He also inadvertently brings a stowaway - 8 year old Russell (voiced by Jordan Nagii) a scout trying to earn his last merit badge for "Assisting the Elderly". Scene: Russell is a "Wilderness Explorer", and seems to live in his uniform. Monogram: The merit badge that Russell wants more than anything - a simple, classic layout of an evergreen tree with the initials W and E. The badge in this animated film has has a nice cartoon embroidered look. Contributed by: EmbroideryArts.com | |||||||||||
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