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Get Low - 2009

Movie: Get Low - 2009

Director: Aaron Schneider

Synopsis: Based on a true story about Felix Bush (Robert Duvall) - a backwoods hermit who decides to plan his own funeral - and attend it - in 1938 Tennessee. He enlists the help of local funeral director Frank Quinn (Bill Murray) - whose business is failing - and his dubious but loyal assistant Buddy (Lucas Black)

Scene: Felix has attended his public funeral, told his secrets - and died. A small intimate group attends his real funeral. Longtime friend Rev. Charlie Jackson (Bill Cobbs) provides the eulogy. Mattie Darrow (Sissy Spacek) leaves a photo of her long dead sister - Felix's secret love - in his grave along with a handful of dirt.

Monogram: Felix made his coffin before the public funeral, and added a monogram - FB - carved within a diamond shaped plaque.

Contributed by: EmbroideryArts

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