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Sherlock Holmes - 2009

Movie: Sherlock Holmes - 2009

Director: Guy Ritchie

Synopsis: Serial Killer and Occult practitioner Lord Blackwood (Mark Strong) is captured and executed. When he seemingly rises from the dead, legendary sleuth Sherlock Holmes (Robert Downey Jr.) and his faithful assistant Dr. Watson (Jude Law) must solve this mystery and prevent imminent world domination by black magic. This story is a concoction from various Sir Arthur Conan Doyle mysteries, and is based on a comic book by Lionel Wigram.

Scene: Top: Holmes competes in a bare-knuckles fist fight. Middle: Professor Moriarty - criminal mastermind who dwells in the shadows. Bottom: The rooms that Holmes and Dr. Watson share at 221b Baker Street.

Monogram: Top: Irene Adler (Rachel McAdams) leaves her monogrammed handkerchief (intertwined IA) to attract Holmes' attention. This monogram plays an important role in the story, but with careful review there are also two other monograms - Middle: Professor Moriarty's monogrammed leather satchel. Bottom: Holmes, to amuse himself, creates a patriotic VR (Queen Victoria's cypher) on the study wall with bullet holes from his pistol.

Contributed by: Sally Perny, Mary Chudy

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