Unbroken - 2014Movie: Unbroken - 2014 Director: Angelina Jolie Synopsis: This movie chronicles the life of The life of Louis Zamperini, an Olympic athlete who joined the US Air Cop in World War II. While on a search for a missing aircraft from their base in a Hawaii, their replacement aircraft develops mechanical difficulties and crashes into the ocean, killing eight of the eleven men on board. After 50 days in a life raft, the two remaining men - Louie (Jack O'Connell) and Phil (Domhnall Gleeson) are rescued by a Japanese ship and become prisoners of war. Scene: In one of the movie's flashbacks - Louie is training in high-school to become a star athlete on the track team. Monogram: A very large letter T - Torrance (CA) High School. Contributed by: EmbroideryArts | |||||||||||
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