Hotel Transylvania 2 - 2015Movie: Hotel Transylvania 2 - 2015 Director: Genndy Tartakovsky Synopsis: This computer-animated feature length film takes place 7 years after the first film, with the hotel now open to human guests. Dracula's daughter Mavis (voiced by Selena Gomez) and husband Johnny (voiced by Andy Samberg) have a son named Dennis. When the parents go away to visit Johnny's parents Grandpa Dracula (voiced by Adam Sandler) decides to try to influence grandson Dennis (voiced by Asher Blinkoff) in the ways of vampires, since he shows no vampire qualities. Scene: A dinner at the Hotel. Monogram: One of the waiters delivering a neon cocktail from the kitchen. His uniform shows the HT logo. Contributed by: Lynn Ferebee | |||||||||||
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