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View Each Letter of the Alphabet in All Available Styles: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Spectre - 2015

Movie: Spectre - 2015

Director: Sam Mendes

Synopsis: This is the 24th James Bond film. Once again Bond is pitted against global crime organization Spectre - now attempting to hijack a global surveilence network. James (Daniel Craig) is semi-retired when he receives a postumous message from his former director M (Judy Dench). Against orders he carries out a mission in Mexico City, killing three men plotting a terrorist bombing. Later, in Rome, thinking he might quietly infiltrate a Spectre meeting, where he is quickly identified by the group's leader Franz Oberhauser (Christoph Waltz). Much action-packed adventure follows throughout the world.

Scene: Dr. Madeline Swann (Lea Seydoux) is the daughter of a former member of Quantum (Spectre subsidiary). Bond rescues her from an assassination attempt, and the two travel by train to Spectre's center of operations in the Sahara desert.

Monogram: Dropped off in the middle of nowhere - the train bears a logo - CMA - with the A larger in the center. (We haven't been able to identify what this might stand for. CFM is the former Railway of Morocco - but the center letter in this graphic isn't an F.)

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