Sing - 2016Movie: Sing - 2016 Director: Garth Jennings Synopsis: In this computer-animated movie, anthropomorphic animals inhabit a small town. Buster (koala - voiced by Matthew McConaughey) owns a theater that has fallen on hard times. A plan to hold an amateur singling contest with a $ 1000 prizes gets out of hand when his assistant adds two extra zeros in the advertising. Contestants arrive from everywhere - hoping to win $100,000 - which Buster doesn't have. Can Buster's friend Eddie (sheep - voiced by John C. Reilly) convince his wealthy grandmother to help? Scene: Top: Eddie and Buster decide to wash cars to raise money. Bottom: Eddie's grandmother - a former opera singer and theater actress and named Nana Noodleman (camel - voiced by Laraine Newman) agrees to a private showing. Monogram: Top: Eddie, with sweatshirt embellished with a whote scrip E. Bottom: Nana has some fabulous earrings - NN ? Contributed by: joanne Roth | |||||||||||
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