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Julie and Julia - 2009

Movie: Julie and Julia - 2009

Director: Nora Ephron

Synopsis: Julie Powell (Amy Adams) is a disenchanted post /9-11 government employee living in Queens with her husband Eric (Chris Messina). To enliven her life, she sets herself the task - and writes a blog about it ; to cook each recipe from Julia Child's classic "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" within one year. In the process she discovers that thecombination of passion, fearlessness, and butter can accomplish almost anything. right

Scene: The structure of the movie offers many opportunity to intertwine two stories: Julie in Queens, and Julia in postwar France.

Monogram: Top: Julia (Meryl Streep) and husband Paul (Stanley Tucci) walking in a park. Her dress has a monogram in red on the pocket - JMC - the C is larger, flanked by the other two letters - M is for McWilliams - her maiden name (note that it is M, not Mc). Bottom: Worn at dinner in a Paris restaurant - a diamond broach, with the three initials intertwined.

Contributed by: Hettie Lunn Tynes

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