Oliver - 1968Movie: Oliver - 1968 Director: Carol Reed Synopsis: In this musical adaptation of Charles Dickens' classic tale, young orphan Oliver Twist is sold to an undertaker but runs away and makes his way to London. In a chance meeting with another boy - The ArtFul Dodger (Jack Wild) - Oliver finds himself in the company of a group of young boys who "make wallets" under the mentoring of Fagan (Ron Moody) Scene: Introduced to the gang, and encouraged to join them, Oliver is taken to the hideout where they all live, and learns the truth about what they do - sung by Fagan and the boys "You've Got to Pick a Pocket or Two". Monogram: The daily haul is presented to Fagan for inspection - quite a few wallets - and a handkerchief with monogram (WL). Fagan comments "You haven't done the embroidery too well Charlie. We'll have to pick it out with a needle" Contributed by: EmbroideryArts | |||||||||||
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