Dark Victory - 1939Movie: Dark Victory - 1939 Director: Edmund Goulding Synopsis: In this classic screen romance, Judith Traherne (Bette Davis) is a young wealthy horeswoman who experiences headaches and double-vision. Her best friend accompanies her to consultation with a famous specialist, Dr. Frederick Steele (George Brent). He diagnoses a brain tumor, and operates - a procedure that is likely not to provide a permanent cure. Judy falls in love with her doctor - and he with her. They marry. She learns of her likely fate, becoming depressed and increasingly alchoholic, while he dedicates himself to finding a cure for her illness. Scene: Following her operation, Judy sends a note to her doctor inviting him to dinner after she is discharged from the hospital. Bottom: Later in the story, although she knows that the end is near, Judy convinces her husband to go on a business trip and continue his work. Monogram: Top: The invitation is written on personalized stationery with her initials - JT. Bottom: Judy sees her husband off - wearing a silk blouse monogrammed on the pocket with her married initials - JS Contributed by: Karen Johnson | |||||||||||
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