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The Women - 1939

Movie: The Women - 1939

Director: George Cukor

Synopsis: Written by Clare Booth Luce for the Broadway stage in 1936, it seems that everyone in this movie is either divorced or getting divorced. Mrs. Stephen Haines (Norma Shearer) is the latest, her husband jilting her for Crystal Allen (Joan Crawford), an ambitious shop clerk. Mary Haines is advised in these matters by her gossipy friend Mrs. Howard Fowler (Rosalind Russell). What's more important to Mary Haines - her pride or her marriage? A trip to Reno will sort things out.

Scene: Top: Sylvia Fowler at the salon, in exercise uniform. Middle: Sylvia, in an Egyptian - inspired outfit, comes to call on Crystal in her over-the-top bathroom. Bottom: Little Mary Haines is summoned to greet her new step-mother Crystal, who is soaking in a transparent tub shaped like Cleopatra's barge.

Monogram: Top: Sylvia's salon outfit with monogram (SF). Middle: Painted wall monogram C - with surrounding tub -Crystal - or perhaps Cleopatra. Bottom: Towels with huge appliqued monogram C complete the look.

Contributed by: Willoughby Adams

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