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A Millionaire For Christy - 1951

Movie: A Millionaire For Christy - 1951

Director: George Marshall

Synopsis: Christabel 'Christy' Sloane (Eleanor Parker) is a down-on-her luck secretary in a law firm. She is sent to Los Angeles to inform Peter Ulysses Lockwood (Fred MacMurray) a radio personality, that he has inherited 2 million dollars from an uncle. She is get him to sign some papers. Her friend at work advises her to snag him first. Peter is about to be married. Once Christy sees him she swoons. Hijinks ensue in this screwball comedy.

Scene: Chisty finds Peter in his hotel suite, getting dressed for the wedding. She faints. He helps her to the bed - then finishes dressing an leaves. Christy hasn't gotten the signature she needs and rushes to get a cab to follow him.

Monogram: In her rush to follow she discovered that she has grabbed her coat - and his monogrammed striped boxer shorts - PUL.

Contributed by: Cathy Sundermann

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