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The Day The Earth Stood Still - 1951

Movie: The Day The Earth Stood Still - 1951

Director: Robert Wise

Synopsis: A spaceship circles the earth, then lands in Washington, DC. The mysterious ship is surrounded by tanks and soldiers, then suddenly splits apart and opens - a man (Michael Rennie) and a large robot appear. A jittery soldier, mistaking the object in the man's hand for a weapon, shoots Klaatu in the arm, and this mis-communication nearly sets off the end of the Earth. In this sci-fi hallmark, made in the atmosphere of the post WWII cold war, the messenger from another world tries to convince earthlings to take his warning about their violent ways seriously, or risk annihilation.

Scene: With Gort the robot guarding the ship, Klaatu is taken to Walter Reed Army Hospital for treatment of his gunshot wound and for "observation." Realizing that he will be unable to find a way to communicate with the most thoughtful humans worldwide in this setting, he escapes, borrowing some personal effects from another patient, since he has nothing of his own. He finds his way to a quiet residential neighborhood where he spots a "Room for Rent" sign, and takes the room.

Monogram: According to the dry-cleaning tag on his sleeve, his clothes belong to a Major Carpenter - this will become his new identity. Carpenter's leather suitcase has his monogram - LMC - embossed on its edge. Following the monogramming convention for letters that are all the same height, the last initial C is on the right.

Contributed by: EmbroideryArts

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