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Whatever Happened To Baby Jane - 1962

Movie: Whatever Happened To Baby Jane - 1962

Director: Robert Aldrich

Synopsis: Baby Jane Hudson is a child star in 1917. Her sister Blanche Hudson is mostly overlooked. By 1935, their fame and success are reversed. There is a suspicious accident with the car at their home;s gate. In 1962, a wheelchair bound Blanche (Joan Crawford) and a severely aged Jane (Bette Davis) are living together in an old mansion in Los Angeles. Their intertwined and abusive relationship are the subject of this tour-de-force for two screen legends.

Scene: In 1935, studio executive Ben Gordon (Bert Freed) is screening one of Blanche's films.

Monogram: On the left chest of Ben's dress shirt there is a BG monogram.

Contributed by: Cathy Sundermann

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