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The Philadelphia Story - 1940

Movie: The Philadelphia Story - 1940

Director: George Cukor

Synopsis: Philadelphia socialite Tracy Lord (Katherine Hepburn) is about to remarry, after her first marriage to C.K. Dexter Haven (Cary Grant) ended in a much publicized divorce. Her new husband-to-be, George Kittredge (John Howard) is the polar opposite of Dexter - and a rather dull man. The day before the wedding, three unexpected guests arrive: two reporters from the tabloid Spy magazine, and Dexter himself. He has made a deal with publisher Sidney Kidd (Henry Daniell) to provide coverage of the wedding of the year in exchange for suppressing a story about Tracy's father, Seth Lord (John Halliday) and a New York showgirl.

Scene: After way too much champagne at a reception, one of the reporters, Macaulay Connor (James Stewart), who has fallen hard for Tracy, seeks out Dexter to tell him off. Once Dexter finds out that Connor (Mike to his friends) has some dirt on Sidney Kidd they agree to collaborate and try to save the day.

Monogram: Dexter's robe, with a monogram of two crossed tennis rackets and the initials D and H.

Contributed by: Joanne Roth

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