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My Favorite Wife - 1940

Movie: My Favorite Wife - 1940

Director: Garsin Kanin

Synopsis: After his wife has been missing for seven years, presumed washed overboard on a scientific expedition, lawyer Nick Arden (Cary Grant) remarries after having his first wife declared legally dead. 24 hours later, Ellen Arden (Irene Dunne) returns, having been rescued from a deserted island by a passing Portuguese freighter. Confusion ensues before Nick chooses his favorite wife.

Scene: The opening Credits.

Monogram: Inside a bound folio, each frame of the opening credits is presented on an elaborately embroidered panel with lace edging. The flowing script cutwork letters, with vine embellishments, have a medieval quality. A hand enters from the lower left, removing each panel to reveal the next underneath.

Contributed by: Jenni Smith

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