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The Hudsucker Proxy - 1994

Movie: The Hudsucker Proxy - 1994

Director: Joel Cohen

Synopsis: When Waring Hudsucker (Charles Durning), founder of hugely successful Hudsucker Industries, flies out of a 45th storey window, the Board of Directors, led by shady Sidney J. Mussburger (Paul Newman), hatches a plot to make them all richer. They must find a real schmoe to run the company into ruin and depress the stock price so they can buy Waring's shares at a bargain price. Enter Norville Barnes (Tim Robbins), just hired in the mail room. Crack reporter Amy Archer (Jennifer Jason Leigh) poses as a meek secretary to get a scoop on what is really going on, and declares Norville an "imbecile" in print. Little does ayone know that his seemingly idiotic idea - a circle drawn on a scap of paper that he keeps in his shoe ("You know - for the Kids") will turn out to be the Hula Hoop.

Scene: Top: Opening Credits. Bottom: After Amy is revealed for her true identity, she decides that she really cares for Norville, and tries to shame him into giving up his new fat-cat lifestyle. She contronts him in his palatial office, where he is listening to chamber music and posing for a statue.

Monogram: Top: The Hudsucker logo H appears throughout the movie - on office doors, furnishings, letterhead stationery, etc. Here it floats in the midnight sky with New Years Eve snowflakes. Bottom: Amy Archer's silver monogram pin - A.

Contributed by: EmbroideryArts

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