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Sense and Sensibility - 1995

Movie: Sense and Sensibility - 1995

Director: Ang Lee

Synopsis: Emma Thompson won an Oscar for her screenplay - an adaptation of Jane Austen's novel of the same name. This 19th Century story begins with the death of Mr. Dashwood, and the passing of his estate to John (James Fleet) his son by his first marriage, as required by law. This leaves his second wife and three daughters - Elinor, Marianne, and young Margaret - in difficult circumstances. Elinor (Emma Thompson), the oldest, is attracted to Edward Ferris (Hugh Grant), the younger brother of John's wife Fanny. Marianne (Kate Winslet) is courted by wealthy Colonel Brandon (Alan Rickman) but prefers the wildly handsome John Willoughby (Greg Wise). The two, lacking a dowry, may well end up as spinsters in this complex romantic tale.

Scene: Elinor makes the acquaintance of Lucy Steele (Imogen Stubbs) at the home of family friend Mrs. Jennings. Lucy confides in her that she and Edward Ferris have been secretly engaged for five years - thus dashing Elinor's hopes for her own relationship with him.

Monogram: Lucy, a manipulative type, feigns tears over her predicament, and wipes them away with Edward's monogrammed handkerchief (ECF). This is the second time we see one of these handkerchiefs - the first example was lovingly examined by Elinor, who received hers from Edward Ferris earlier in the story.

Contributed by: Beth Signoretti

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