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The Extra Man - 2010

Movie: The Extra Man - 2010

Director: Shari Springer Berman and Robert Pulcini

Synopsis: Louis Ives (Paul Dano) is asked to leave his teaching job after an embarrassing incident. He moves to New York City to become a writer and rents a room from Henry Harrison (Kevin Kline). Henry claims to be a playwright whose only play was stolen by a former tenant. He becomes Louis' mentor, revealing his secrets as an "extra man" - accompanying and entertaining wealthy older women in their fanciful social lives.

Scene: As has been his habit for years, Henry leaves for Palm Beach for the winter - this time on the bus - and entrusts the apartment to Louis.

Monogram: While Henry is out of town, Louis finds his scrapbook, leather book inscribed on the cover with an elaborate HH monogram.

Contributed by: EmbroideryArts

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