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View Each Letter of the Alphabet in All Available Styles: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Everything Must Go - 2010

Movie: Everything Must Go - 2010

Director: Dan Rush

Synopsis: Nick Halsey (Will Ferrell) is a career marketing and sales executive who loses his job after an alleged drinking problem relapse, then returns home to find that his wife has left him, changed the locks on their suburban house, and put all his personal possessions on the front lawn. His AA sponsor, Detective Frank Garcia (Michael Peña) gets him a yard-sale permit that only allows 5 days of continuous display of for-sale items. After sleeping in his reclining chair for a couple of days he enlists the help of young Kenny Loftus (Christopher Jordan Wallace) - and disposes of his stuff and his former life.

Scene: After most of his possessions are gone, Nick learns that his wife Katherine has actually taken up Frank Garcia, and wants a divorce. He gets the divorce papers, and the keys to the house, and spends one last night there before moving on. Before leaving the house he uses the bathroom one last time - leaving the toilet seat up as he leaves.

Monogram: A shot of the bathroom seen from the mirror reflection shows Nick, toilet, and a dark towel with a white three-letter diamond shaped embroidered monogram. The towel is a bit small, and reversed in the mirror, but it is possible to pick out clearly that the middle initial is an H (for Halsey) - but what are the other initials? We only hear Katherine's voice, and her character isn't listed in the film credits. Maybe her name is really Catherine with a C, not Katherine with a K. Although it's difficult to make out the side letters, neither is an N, K, or C. Probably this towel is a last minute prop that we aren't meant to examine carefully.

Contributed by: EmbroideryArts

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