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Sweet Charity - 1969

Movie: Sweet Charity - 1969

Director: Bob Fosse

Synopsis: The film version of Neil Simon's smash Broadway hit. New York dance hall hostess Charity Hope Valentine (Shirley Maclaine) dreams of old-fashioned romance despite a seemingly endless string of undeserving beaus and disappointments.

Scene: Italian movie star Vitorio Vidal (Ricardo Montalban) picks her up on a rainy street after his girlfriend drops him. They go to an impossibly trendy nightclub - the Pompeii Room. He takes her back to his apartment - where she realizes that her girlfriends will never believe she was there. She requests an autographed photo, then ends up sleeping in his closet after his girlfriend returns.

Monogram: Vitorio's velvet smoking jacket - with embroidered crest outline and his initials - VV

Contributed by: Cathy Sundermann

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