Surf's Up - 2007Movie: Surf's Up - 2007 Director: Ash Brannon, Chris Buck Synopsis: In this animated mockumentary, film crews go behind the scenes to follow surf-possessed teenage Royal penguin Cody Maverick (voiced by Shia LaBeouf), who leaves his hometown in Shiverpool, Antartica to compete in the Penguin World Surfing Championships - the "Big Z Memorial Surf Off" - named for the deceased surfing legend whom he has idolized since childhood. Scene: On Pen Gu Island, the site of the tournament, Cody encounters an aging recluse former surfer penguin named the Geek (voiced by Jeff Bridges). Geek teaches Cody some important lessons about life and surfing. Monogram: Cody realizes that Geek is really Big Z, who isn't deceased at all. He is wearing his Big Z necklace - the monogram Z carved into a shell. Contributed by: EmbroideryArts | |||||||||||
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