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View Each Letter of the Alphabet in All Available Styles: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Coraline - 2008

Movie: Coraline - 2008

Director: Henry Selick

Synopsis: Coraline Jones (voiced by Dakota Fanning) moves with her parents into a dilapidated apartment in a pink Victorian house. She is lonely, and her parents don't pay too much attention to her. She finds a mysterious door in her room that opens onto a tunnel. At the other end of the tunnel is a world nearly the same as her own - only better. Everything is more colorful and everyone is more attentive - their button eyes are a bit weird though.

Scene: Top: Coraline has two bedrooms- the one in the other house is much nicer. Bottom: Both worlds include an upstairs tenant, a circus acrobat named Mr. Sergei Alexander Bobinsky (voiced by Ian McShane) - but in the other house has a complete circus.

Monogram: Top: At the foot of the bed in the other house, the antique chest has a simple stylish initial C with embellishments. Bottom: Mr. Bobinsky's other-house Circus, with monogram and parachuting mouse.

Contributed by: EmbroideryArts.com

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