Monster House - 2006Movie: Monster House - 2006 Director: Gil Kenan Synopsis: Twelve year old Douglas "DJ" Waters (voiced by Mitchel Musso) and his best friend Chowder (voiced by Sam Lerner) have suspicions about the broken-down house across the street and its owner, Mr. Nebbercracker (voiced by Steve Buscemi) - things that venture there disappear. When DJ's parents leave town for a dental convention on Haloween weekend, they leave him in the care of punk babysitter "Zee". The teenagers must try to convince everyone that the house itself is a monster. Scene: Zee (voiced by Maggie Gyllenhaal) arrives in her very used car to take up her weekend nanny duties. Monogram: Zee's real name is Elizabeth. Her sweater bears the script monogram E - reminiscent of the one worn by Laverne (Penny Marshall) on the popular 1970's TV series "Laverne & Shirley" Contributed by: Adele Perri | |||||||||||
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