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Juno - 2007

Movie: Juno - 2007

Director: Jason Reitman

Synopsis: A story told over four seasons, beginning in autumn, when sixteen year-old Juno MacGuff (Ellen Page) learns that she's pregnant from a one-time sexual encounter with her best friend, Paulie Bleeker (Michael Cera). Juno is fairly pragmatic about her situation - after considering, then rejecting, an abortion she decides to have the baby and give it up for adoption. The next step is to tell her parents, then find prospective parents for the yet unborn child. In the Pennysaver ad section, she finds Mark and Vanessa Loring (Jason Bateman and Jennifer Garner), a yuppie couple who live in the suburbs.

Scene: Accompanied by her father (J.K. Simmons), who insists on going with her to meet the Lorings so she "doesn't get ripped off by some baby-starved wingnuts", a meeting is arranged with Mark and Jennifer at their new gated-community home.

Monogram: Trying to make the best impression, Jennifer arranges the flowers, table-top magazines, and the monogrammed hand towels in the powder room.

Contributed by: EmbroideryArts

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