J Edgar - 2011Movie: J Edgar - 2011 Director: Clint Eastwood Synopsis: A biopic of the life of J Edgar Hoover, who was director of the FBI from 1935 until his death in 1972 at age 77. Feared and respected, Hoover (Leonardo DiCaprio) was instrumental in building the FBI into a large crime-fighting organization, and became increasingly controversial later in life. Scene: Hoover and his long-time associate Clyde Tolson (Armie Hammer) are meeting in Hoover's residence. A heated exchange becomes a physical fight, and gets out of hand. Monogram: Hoover is wearing a grey robe with a large gold embroidered monogram on the left pocket. The sequence of letters - JEH - are a bit unusual for typical monogramming convention, which would use the last initial (H) in the center. Contributed by: Annette Johnson | |||||||||||
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