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Erin Brockovich - 2000

Movie: Erin Brockovich - 2000

Director: Steven Soderbergh

Synopsis: Erin Brockovich (Julia Roberts) is a twice-divorced single mother who is desperate to find a job. After a lawsuit over a car accident with a doctor fails, she browbeats her lawyer, Ed Masry (Albert Finney) into hiring her as a legal assistant. Puzzled to find medical records mixed in with the real estate files she is organizing, she undertakes her own investigation and begins to suspect that there is serious contamination of the water on land purchased by Pacific Gas and Electric from small-town neighbors to one of the utilities power plants.

Scene: As the evidence mounts, a different problem arrises: suing PG&E would seem beyond the capabilities of the small law firm. After hours, Ed and Erin begin to plot a strategy.

Monogram: It's pretty easy to miss this one, but look closely. On the pocket of Ed's open collar sport shirt, with woven fabric decorated with chess pieces, there is a script monogram - letters all the same size: ESM

Contributed by: EmbroideryArts

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