A Beautiful Mind - 2001Movie: A Beautiful Mind - 2001 Director: Ron Howard Synopsis: This biographical drama is based on the life of John Nash (1928-2015), a American mathematician who, while a graduate student at Princeton, develops a new mathematical concept for anticipating the possibilities of group cooperation. The story follow his descent into severe mental illness and his eventual recovery, accomplished largely through his decision to reason his way out of it. He received the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1994. Scene: Following graduation from Princeton and his assignment to MIT in the beginning of the post WWII era, Nash (Russel Crowe) begins an "assignment" from mysterious military liaison William Parcher (Ed Harris) to identify codes embedded in newspapers and magazines by Soviet agents. Monogram: Nash's finding are to be put inside an envelope, sealed, and delivered to a drop box in a residential Boston neighborhood. He uses a wax seal, impressed with his initial N. Contributed by: EmbroideryArts | |||||||||||
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