Despicable Me 2 - 2013Movie: Despicable Me 2 - 2013 Director: Pierre Coffin Synopsis: Gru (voiced by Steve Carell), the ex-super villian, is adjusting to legitimate family life and trying to run a jam business. When a secret Arctic lab is stolen, the Anti-Villain League asks for his help to investigate. He reluctantly agrees to partner with undercover AVL agent Lucy Wilde (voiced by Kristen Wiig). Setting up undercover headquarters in bakery in Paradise Shopping Mall, Gru suspects that Mexican restaurant owner Eduardo Perez is actually a super-villain called "El Macho" (both voiced by Benjamin Bratt). Scene: Top: Gru's minions, now running a jam production factory. Middle: Eduardo visits "Bake My Day", the undercover headquarters. Bottom: "El Macho" in full evil outfit. Monogram: Monograms and logos can have alot in common. Top: Gru's logo - a G that at first glance looks like a at (the kind that goes with a bolt) on a hardhat. Middle: Eduardo's oversized "bling" necklace, with a pendant that looks like a lightning bolt. Bottom: the bling does double duty - turned 90 degrees it becomes an M. Contributed by: Angela Scott | |||||||||||
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