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Catch Me If You Can - 2002

Movie: Catch Me If You Can - 2002

Director: Steven Spielberg

Synopsis: Frank Abagnale Jr. (Leonardo DiCaprio) is a high school student in New Rochelle, NY. His father Frank Abagnale, Sr. (Christopher Walken) runs afoul of the IRS and the family has to move from their grand home to a small apartment. Frank Jr. discovers that his French mother Paula (Nathalie Baye) is having an affair with his father's best friend, and runs away from home. Living on his own and needing money he tries cashing bogus checks without much success. When he happens to see an airline pilot being treated like royalty he cons a Pam Am uniform and faked credentials and starts making counterfeit Pan Am checks - and begins a new career.

Scene: While still stumbling along trying to get some money he tries a bank teller who refuses, and tells him "We don't cash checks for people we don't know."

Monogram: The teller wears a blouse with an elaborate embroidered three-letter monogram - MKF

Contributed by: Angela Scott

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