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View Each Letter of the Alphabet in All Available Styles: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Bend It Like Beckham - 2002

Movie: Bend It Like Beckham - 2002

Director: Gurinder Chadha

Synopsis: A proper Indian girl living in London, daughter of strict Sikh parents, shouldn't be spending her time dreaming about soccer and David Beckhan no matter how athletically talented she is. Jess - short for Jesminder - Bhamra (Parminder K. Nagra) must try to somehow keep her dreams alive while also conforming to a traditional Indian lifestyle. A new friend - and soccer fanatic Juliette 'Jules' Paxton (Keira Knightley) is key.

Scene: Thanks to a recommendation from Jules, Jess has been added to the roster of the Hownslow Harriers women's team. Returning through a park where her friends (boys) play pickup games after practice, she is teased by the boys before her close friend Tony (Ameet Chana) decides to stick up for her.

Monogram: Tony is wearing a blue denim-colored short sleeve shirt with elaborate oversized Old English letters which look like a ?? (maybe a V) and a W embroidered on the pocket in an orange color. In trying to figure this out - clearly these aren't his initials - we were completely stumped but slowed down the dvd and discovered a brief glimpse earlier in the scene of the back of the shirt, which has the words "Peoples Wardrobe" embroidered across the shoulder. So the letters on the pocket are a P and a W. Internet searches turned up a movie credit from this film, as well as references to a store with this name in Bangkok, and a couple of men's shirts, not as interesting as this one, for say on the UL eBay site but not much else.

Contributed by: EmbroideryArts

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