A League of Their Own - 1992Movie: A League of Their Own - 1992 Director: Penny Marshall Synopsis: In 1943, small-town Oregon sisters Dottie Hinson (Geena Davis) and Kit Keller (Lori Petty) are working on a farm and playing sandlot baseball. A scout (Lon Lovitz) arrives to recruit Dottie for the newly-formed All-American Girls Professional Baseball League (AAGPBL). Dottie insists that kid-sister Kit must also come along - they take the train to Chicago to try out for the replacement league formed by team owners to fill in while the men are overseas in World War II. Scene: The Rockford (IL) Peaches are on a road trip when the bus driver abruptly quits in the middle of nowhere, having had enough of "Stillwell Angel" - the precocious child of one of the players. The team empties out of the bus while their chaperone tries to wake up their manager - Jimmy Dugan (Tom Hanks) - who is drunk and sleeping it off. Monogram: Dottie wears a cardigan sweater with an elabotarely detailed embroidered monogram - LHC - C larger in the center, flanked by the other two letters. Since Dottie is married, but has a sister with the last name Keller, we must assume that her maiden name last initial would be K, and her married name last initial would be H. Maybe she is wearing another player's sweater? A check of the cast list finds that there were no Rockford Peaches with anything close to these initials - so we have a mystery. 1943 - the players are young and trying to be a bit glamorous off the field. A monogrammed sweater might seem a bit fussy to them. Wait... the chaperone's name is Miss Cuthbert. Contributed by: Embroidery Arts | |||||||||||
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