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The enhanced listing will feature your business information in the upper section of each State page, and also has more listing fields available - business hours, email address, website link, a map link using Google Maps and an image of your choice (optional).

An example of an enhanced listing:

Featured Monogrammer Company
John and Jane Monogrammer
123 Main Street
City, AL 33333
333 222 3333
(f) 334 222 3333
Visit Website
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In an enhanced listing you can add a brief description of you company's services or other text, for example... 10% off your first order. 256 characters maximum.

Enter your email address (Step 1) below to find your listing in the Monogrammers Yellow Pages database. Follow the simple instructions in the next four steps.

Prepare your image before you submit your information. Images must be jpegs. The optimum size is 200 pixels wide, 150 pixels high. Horizontal format images will fit this dimension better than vertical format images. Larger images will be automatically resized to fit these dimensions. The maximum filesize that can be submitted is 1.5mb. The image file name can only contain letters, numbers and/or an underscore. No white space.
For example:
picture.jpg - OK
my_picture.jpg - OK
my_picture12.jpg - OK
my picture (flower) - WRONG!

Please note: to upgrade the Enhanced Listing there are five steps. Once your store information is submitted (Step 3) and, optionally, an image is uploaded (Step 4) YOU MUST CONTINUE AND PURCHASE THE SUBSCRIPTION FOR $39.95


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WholesaleMonograms.com 17 Fourth Avenue Nyack New York 10960 Contact Us Embroideryarts.com Daniel Wiener