Thunderball - 1965Movie: Thunderball - 1965 Director: Terence Young Synopsis: On his fourth mission, James Bond (Sean Connery) races the clock to recover two nuclear warheads stolen from a hijacked NATO plane in a daring plot masterminded by SPECTRE agent Emilio Largo (Adolfo Celi). The mission takes him from Paris, where the film opens, to Nassau in the Bahamas, building to an epic battle on the ocean floor. Scene: The first scene, before the credits, is of a funeral, with a draped coffin. Monogram: The initials JB, surrounded by a decorative crest, are meant to give viewers the initial impression that they are watching James Bond's funeral. In fact, the funeral cloth is for Colonel Jacques Bouval, who has faked his own death, and attended the funeral dressed as his widow. Contributed by: Margot Kraker | |||||||||||
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