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The White Cliffs of Dover - 1944

Movie: The White Cliffs of Dover - 1944

Director: Clarence Brown

Synopsis: At the height of World War II, Lady Susan Ashwood (Irene Dunne) is a nurse in a London Hospital, awaiting the arrival of wounded prisoners. She thinks back to her arrival in Britain in 1914 with her father Hiram P Dunn (Frank Morgan), publisher of a small-town American newspaper. She meets Sir John Ashwood (Alan Marshall) and despite the extreme difference in their social standing they fall in love, marry, and have a son. The father dies in World War 1, son Sir John (played by Peter Lawford as an adult) enlists and also goes to war. Her son is among the soldiers that she is waiting for as the flashback ends.

Scene: Top: Susan is having second thought about her ability to fit in with Sir John's aristocratic family, and leaves their manor house for London. Bottom: Susan and her father Hiram Porter Dunn (Frank Morgan) have a discussion in yard after a family picnic.

Monogram: Top: On the train, with the embroidered logo of the London & South Western Railroad embroidered on the seat. Bottom: Susan's cartigan sweater has an embroidered monogram in a diamond shape, created for her married name, with her first intial (S) and last intial (A) overlapping her middle initial/maiden name (D)

Contributed by: Annette Johnson, Karen Johnson

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