The Spiderwick Chronicles - 2008Movie: The Spiderwick Chronicles - 2008 Director: Mark Waters Synopsis: Twins Jared and Simon Grace (both played by Freddie Highmore) and their sisyor Mallory (Sarah Bolger) move with their mother ( Mary-Louise Parker) to the broken-down Spiderwood Estate. Once there, they are increasingly drawn into a fantasy world of faeries and other creatures. Scene: Jared explores the attic with a flashlight. Monogram: Top: Jared discovers a key with the initial S. Middle: In the attic he finds a dusty trunk with a matching S. Bottom: Inside the trubk, wrapped in some old clothes, is a cloth- bound book wrapped in ribbon, and held closed by a beewax seal, stamped with an S buth this tme there is also a smaller initial A. The author, Arthur Spiderwick (David Strathairn) has also attached a Warning note. Contributed by: Jenni Smith | |||||||||||
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