The Prince and Me - 2004Movie: The Prince and Me - 2004 Director: Martha Coolidge Synopsis: In this teen romance movie Paige Morgan (Julia Stiles) is a pre-med student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Denmark's Prince Edvard (Luke Mably) is an under-achiever who likes to race cars, and is the heir to his father's throne. After seeing a US reality TV show about drunken American college girls from Wisconsin, the Prince announces that he will attend college in the US at this same school. Their paths are bound to cross, with romance to follow. Since the Prince insists that he is just a guy called "Eddie" there will be some hurdles to clear. Scene: The characters are introduced in the opening credits - each doing something involving driving at roughly the same time (with compensation for time zones). Paige is driving a pickup truck to a wedding. Edvard is racing another fast expensive car in his own fast expensive car - actually it's his mother's car. Monogram: The Queen's monogram flashes by on the rear door of the car. The movie doesn't dwell on this monogram of course. His mother is Queen Rosalind (Miranda Richardson) - so this is perhaps a Q and an R - with a crown above ? Contributed by: Joanne Roth | |||||||||||
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