The Innocents - 1961Movie: The Innocents - 1961 Director: Jack Clayton Synopsis: Miss Giddens (Deborah Kerr) applies for a job as a governess to two children in the English countryside. Her employer is a wealthy bachelor (Michael Redgrave) who likes to travel and is the guardian of his niece Flora (Pamela Franklin) and his nephew Miles (Martin Stephens). The previous governess, Miss Jessel, died suddenly less than a year ago. Once she has arrived she finds that she is the only adult aside from Mrs. Grose (Megs Jenkins), the kindly housekeeper. Miss Giddens gradually becomes convinced that the house is haunted and that the children are possessed. Scene: She has several several visions of a woman and man, whom Mrs. Grose identifies, from their descriptions, as Miss Jessel and Peter Quint – the uncle's valet until his death. She also begins to have nightmares, with the children playing prominent roles. Monogram: The linens on Miss Giddens' bed belong to Flora. There is an elaborate embroidered F, angled at 45 degrees, in the corner of the pillowcase. Contributed by: EmbroideryArts | |||||||||||
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