The Family Stone - 2005Movie: The Family Stone - 2005 Director: Thomas Bezucha Synopsis: Everett Stone (Dermot Mulroney) invites his high-strung workaholic girlfriend Meredith (Sarah Jessica Parker) to come with him to his family home for Christmas. Home for the holidays, the Stone family consist of mother Sybil (Diane Keaton), father Kelly (Craig T. Nelson), Amy (Rachel McAdams), Susannah (Elizabeth Reaser) and her daughter Elizabeth(Savannah Stehlin), Thad (Tyrone Giordano) and his boyfriend/life partner Patrick (Brian White), and Ben (Luke Wilson). No one is relaxed, no one is happy. Much work to do. Scene: On Christmas day everyone is exchanging gifts. Sybil and Kelly open their gift from Meredith. Monogram: On the chair behind Sybil, a knitted throw blanket with initials. There is just the faintest hint of a vertical line (part of a T) and another smaller flanking letter G. The large-small arrangement suggests that this is a typical 3 letter monogram, with a hidden left side letter. But whose monogram is it. None of the characters have a last initial T. Maybe a family heirloom, maybe just a movie prop? Unless we missed clues in the movie we have no idea. Contributed by: Cathy Sundermann | |||||||||||
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