Sweeney Todd - 2007Movie: Sweeney Todd - 2007 Director: Tim Burton Synopsis: This dark film adaptation of the hit Broadway Musical by Stephen Sondheim, which is based on a 19th Century legend, is the story of Sweeney Todd (Johnny Depp), formerly known as Benjamin Barker, who has returned secretly to London from 15 years confinement on false charges in the penal colonies in Australia. He vows revenge on Judge Turpin (Alan Rickman) who ruined his life by sentencing him in order to possess his wife Lucy and their daughter Johanna. Sweeney learns from former neighbor Mrs. Lovett (Helena Bonham Carter) that Lucy poisened herself in despair, and that Johanna (Jane Wisener) is now Judge Turpin's ward. Mrs. Lovett returns his barber's razors and he reopens his barber business upstairs from Mrs. Lovett's pie shop, waiting for the day when Judge Turpin will visit him. Along the way, many of his customers end up as meat pies. Scene: In the market, Sweeney and Mrs. Lovett observe Signor Pirelli (Sasha Baron Cohen), a self-professed expert barber and miracle hair tonic salesman. Also in the audience is Beadle Bamford (Timothy Spall), Judge Turpin's sinister assistant. Sweeney chalenges Signor Pirelli to a shaving competition, to be judged by Beedle Bamford. He win's handily, then suggests that the beadle come by his new establishment for a shave. Monogram: In preparation for the shave-off, Pirelli's assistant produces an elaborate velvet chair, decorated with Pirelli's logo - mirror imaged initials inside a crest border. Contributed by: EmbroideryArts | |||||||||||
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