Sommersby - 1993Movie: Sommersby - 1993 Director: Jon Amiel Synopsis: John "Jack" Sommersby (Richard Gere) left his farm to fight in the Confederate Army in the Civil War, leaving his wife Laurel (Jodie Foster) to manage the family farm. After the war has ended and her unpleasant and abusive husband hasn't returned, Laurel makes plans to marry a kind neighbor, Orin Meacham (Bill Pullman). Unexpectedly, Jack returns - a changed man - now kind and loving. Orin suspects he is an imposter, and so do others. When he is arrested for murder, Laurel and Jack's lawyer hatch a plan to say that Jack is an imposter, and therefore not guilty of a hanging offense. Scene: The "real" Jack Sommersby is convicted and sentenced to be hanged. Monogram: Laurel brings Jack a nicer shirt for the hanging - with his initials JS embroidered on it. Contributed by: Annette Johnson | |||||||||||
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